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wilheim@therx.com , UNEXPECTED_DATA_AFTER_ADDRESS@.SYNTAX-ERROR."},"lw_1187089544_5": {"text": "http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?p=4370916#post4370916","extended": 0,"startchar": 3103,"endchar": 3164,"start": 3111,"end": 3172,"extendedFrom": "","weight": 1,"type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/URL"],"category": ["IDENTIFIER"],"context": " ) has reported this post:
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anyways...lesson learned...sts
Wilheim <person19481950@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sammy, the
Rx.com has strict policies about posting sensative information that include solicitating private information from another poster. When you made you post no less than six posters reported it as a violation of our sensitive information policy. Whenever posters email me as to what we consider sensitive this is The
Rx.com Policy that I email them:
Posting Sensitive Information
Please refrain from posting sensitive or private information about book and/or player operations.
Please do not discuss, highlight, or disclose:
• real names
• banks
• processors
• any other real enterprises involved in a particular transaction between you and your sportsbook.
Please keep any new or innovative deposit/withdrawal methods that are not common knowledge as descreetly as possible.
Hint: if it's not on their website, consider it 'sensitive.'
We advise you to be as vague as possible when disclosing your own information. Disclosure of specifics can increase your risk and liability. Do not mention locals or agents for any reason. Do not brag about winning large amounts of money if you don't want that information made public.
Never try to solicit personal financial information from another poster on any of our moderated forums. Questions about personal earnings, taxes paid or not paid and any other questions about private financial information will not be allowed to be posted. You may ask a moderator to email a poster for you so you can contact that poster to pose your questions privately.
Anyone wanting to contact another poster please contact
wilheim@therx.com. Include your username and the username of the poster you wish to contact. Your contact information will be forwarded on your behalf.
Please report to The Rx. Moderating Team any post you feel may contain sensitive information by using the "report a bad post" icon at bottom left of all post boxes.
Whenever posible deal directly with the book in question if you have questions about sensitive information like ATM cards or prepaid Visa cards etc. and how they work with offshore books.
Thank you, Wilheim.